About Serendeputy

#108 · ✸ 45 · 💬 7 · one year ago · serendeputy.com · kome · 📷
I'm Jason Butler, and I am the founder, software engineer, information architect, copywriter and janitor here at Serendeputy. Serendeputy is an independent personal newsfeed engine. Unlike your favorite search engines and social networks, Serendeputy is entirely transparent, putting you in control. I'm trying to design Serendeputy to help you explore. Through the magic of software, it doesn't cost me that much to provide Serendeputy to new people. Ads are a useful way to keep a free version of Serendeputy running, but I refuse to jump into the Ad Tech swamp. Please let me know what you think and how I can update Serendeputy to make it more useful for you.
About Serendeputy

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