New asteroid strike images show impact 'a lot bigger than expected'

# · 🔥 120 · 💬 106 · one year ago · · docmechanic · 📷
The James Webb and Hubble telescopes on Thursday revealed their first images of a spacecraft deliberately smashing into an asteroid, as astronomers indicated that the impact looks to have been much greater than expected. Hubble images from 22 minutes, five hours and eight hours after impact show the expanding spray of matter from where DART hit. Ian Carnelli of the European Space Agency said that the "Really impressive" Webb and Hubble images were remarkably similar to those taken by the toaster-sized satellite LICIACube, which was just 50 kilometres from the asteroid after separating from the DART spacecraft a few weeks ago. The images depict an impact that looks "a lot bigger than we expected," said Carnelli, the manager of the ESA's Hera mission which intends to inspect the damage in four years. The asteroid impact marked the first time the two space telescopes observed the same celestial body. Credit card or paypal Astronomers hail first images of asteroid impact Paris Sept 28, 2022. The asteroid is flying through space in the grainy black and white video, when suddenly a massive cloud of debris sprays out in front of it, meaning only one thing: impact.
New asteroid strike images show impact 'a lot bigger than expected'

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