Garage: An open-source distributed object storage service

# · 🔥 346 · 💬 75 · one year ago · · alex_hirner · 📷
Self-contained We ship a single dependency-free binary that runs on all Linux distributions. Fast to deploy, safe to operate We are sysadmins, we know the value of operator-friendly software. To network failures, network latency, disk failures, sysadmin failures. Garage implements the Amazon S3 APIand thus is already compatible with many applications. The Deuxfleurs association has received a grant from NGI POINTER, to fund 3 people working on Garage full-time for a year : from October 2021 to September 2022. If you want to fund Garage development past its initial grant, either through donation or support contract, please get in touch with us. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2021 research and innovation programme within the framework of the NGI-POINTER Project funded under grant agreement N° 871528.
Garage: An open-source distributed object storage service

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