Building for DOS, OS/2, and DOS on a MacBook Apple Silicon

# · ✸ 95 · 💬 14 · 9 months ago · · ingve · 📷
I'm not a full-time Windows or Linux user, so when I discovered that OpenWatcom's 2.0 series can be compiled and run on macOS, and it can run on ARM macOS, I was thrilled. There are some preparations you need to do before building OpenWatcom source code on an Apple Silicon. First, the compiler and platform SDK. To build anything on macOS, you need their official compiler and IDE. Xcode. To smoothly compile OpenWatcom, you'd need DOSBOX command line and I feel the easiest way to obtain DosBox is using homebrew. This will compile the OpenWatcom compiler using your clang compiler on your ARM64 platform. If everything is finished, you can put the compiled product by using this command. To use the binary, you need to add the toolchain to PATH. The toolchain for Apple Silicon mac is in armo64 subdirectory.
Building for DOS, OS/2, and DOS on a MacBook Apple Silicon

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