Show HN: DeploySolo – The SaaS boilerplate for engineers. (Pocketbase/ Htmx)

#35 · ✸ 37 · 💬 17 · one month ago · · mannders · 📷
Home - DeploySolo DeploySolo is the SaaS boilerplate for engineers. It enables individual developers to quickly validate ideas and deploy with ease, all while building high value engineering skills and maintaining full project autonomy. PocketBase Pocketbase is an open-source backend platform that supports database, authentication, and file storage into a single, easy-to-deploy executable. Pocketbase shines in scenarios requiring full control over data and deployment, allowing it to run on virtually any server or local environment. Tailwind + HTMX TailwindCSS and HTMX provide a robust solution for the front end, combining rapid styling with interactive capabilities. TailwindCSS offers utility-first design for quick, consistent UIs, while HTMX enables dynamic content updates without heavy JavaScript frameworks. Stripe Stripe is an easy to use payment processing platform that simplifies online transactions.
Show HN: DeploySolo – The SaaS boilerplate for engineers. (Pocketbase/ Htmx)

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