Show HN: – API to enhance your images in dark-mode

#104 · 🔥 175 · 💬 38 · one month ago · · mattismegevand · 📷
Our API predicts if an image should be inverted for optimal dark-mode rendering. Upload an image to see InvertOrNot what transformation it would apply to it. Despite dark-mode's popularity, images often aren't automatically adapted to fit it. Inverting the image can be a better solution, but it can't be applied to all images. Using our API you can make your website more pleasant to use in dark-mode, without having to manually adapt each image. InvertOrNot is a public demonstration and proof of concept of using a NN classifier to choose how to handle images in dark-mode. Should you prefer your images not be saved, hosting your own instance is recommended.
Show HN: – API to enhance your images in dark-mode

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