Tech Debt: My Rust Library Is Now a CDO

#29 · 🔥 362 · 💬 240 · one month ago · · Tomte · 📷
There is a joke that if there is tech debt, surely there must be derivatives to work with that debt? I'm happy to say that the Rust ecosystem has created an environment where it looks like one solution for tech debt is collateralization. It's hard to argue that isn't tech debt. That's because is basically a rating agency and they decided that your debt is now junk. Why? Not because it does not work for you, but someone called you out of that debt. Forking that library is putting cash on the pile of debt. Now that junk tech debt is suddenly rated "AAA". By doing so, I successfully upgraded this junk tech debt to a perfect AAA. Who won? I think nobody really.
Tech Debt: My Rust Library Is Now a CDO

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