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Show HN: I made a set of devtools for small projects (github.com/zumerlab)
28 points by tinchox5 47 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Perhaps your tool can steal some inspiration from the following:

- svelte-add is a similar tool for Svelte(Kit) projects: https://github.com/svelte-add/svelte-add

- svelte-add was originally based on a more generic tool: https://preset.dev

- I actually find `npm create svelte@latest` sufficient most of the time. It's like a starter project with presets for most best practices. (https://kit.svelte.dev)

I grew tired of constantly configuring development tools like ESLint, Jest, Prettier and others. For my personal projects, I've packaged some of them with preset settings and developed others. Each tool can be used independently based on your workflow, providing a dev workflow for small projects. I’d like to share these resources with others who might find them useful.

Nice set of tools. I like the simplicity.

I get a DeprecationWarning when running the changelog tool due to a known issue with auto-changelog.

Made me curious... what are the latest recommendations from node folks for changelog generators?

When researching, I came across this one https://github.com/absolute-version/commit-and-tag-version

In my circles, this is the go-to for release automation / changelogs: https://github.com/changesets/changesets

There are many tools one that is well maintained and works for node and a lot of other platforms is Git-cliff (https://git-cliff.org/)

Maybe mention in the title this is for js only

You are right, for node platform

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