Show HN: Get a Postgres replica with all your Stripe data

# · ✸ 20 · 💬 0 · 2 years ago · · _acco · 📷
We're excited to announce we've added support for Stripe to Sync Inc! Now you can get a replica Postgres database with all your Stripe data, synced in real-time. API reads are way more difficult than database reads. Ultimately, API providers are just building HTTP query abstractions over their database. The database is an amazing platform for data interchange: Postgres is incredibly well-supported, the database enforces a strong schema that is easily introspected, and access controls are baked-in. Core to our hypothesis is not only that database reads are 10x easier and faster than API reads, but that reads are 10x harder than writes. Just write to the API, and let those changes flow down to your Sync Inc database. You risked the experience where you'd make a write to Airtable's API, yet had to wait several seconds for those changes to show up in your database.
Show HN: Get a Postgres replica with all your Stripe data

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