Removing support for forwarded ports

# · 🔥 290 · 💬 255 · 11 months ago · · brakmic · 📷
Today we announce that we no longer support port forwarding. New port forwards will no longer be supported, and existing ports will be removed 2023-07-01. Regrettably individuals have frequently used this feature to host undesirable content and malicious services from ports that are forwarded from our VPN servers. The abuse vector of port forwarding has caught up with us, and today we announce the discontinuation of support for port forwarding. This means that if you are a user of forwarded ports, you will not be able to add or modify the ports you have in use. As of today we will remove the ability of adding ports to all accounts. 2023-07-01 we will remove all existings ports that are configured.
Removing support for forwarded ports

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