Frigate: Open-source network video recorder with real-time AI object detection

# · 🔥 624 · 💬 139 · 9 months ago · · thunderbong · 📷
Frigate is an open source NVR built around real-time AI object detection. Coming Soon: Get access to custom models designed specifically for Frigate with Frigate+. With a single Google Coral TPU, Frigate can run 100+ object detections per second so it doesn't miss a single frame. Frigate tracks objects in real-time and can determine the exact moment a person starts walking up your front steps or when a car enters your driveway. Frigate integrates directly into Home Assistant's media browser, provides low latency camera entities, and exposes real-time sensors and switches to power automations and notifications to your heart's content. Frigate has helped me reduce hours of false detections from my hard drive and saved me maybe as much time scouring through said, uneventful, footage. Frigate has allowed me to remove all cloud dependencies from my security cameras, without losing any sort of object detection features or recording history.
Frigate: Open-source network video recorder with real-time AI object detection

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