# · 🔥 220 · 💬 121 · 6 months ago · · _benj · 📷
OpenFPGA starts at the beginning of Video Games: Spacewar! on PDP-1. In 1962, the first digital video game, Spacewar! debuted on an early computer released in 1959 called the PDP-1 at MIT. The beginning of video games. Play Spacewar! on Analogue Pocket now, with a PDP-1 Core developed with openFPGA.Experience the world's first ever video game. Play Spacewar! openFPGA is purpose built for preserving video game history openFPGA is the first purpose built, FPGA driven hardware and ecosystem designed for 3rd party development of video game hardware. Help preserve the medium of video game history with the pinnacle of hardware preservation technology: FPGA. openFPGA starts with the Developerand ends with the user Intel/Altera Cyclone V FPGA49K logic elements and 3.4Mbit BRAM. Intel/Altera Cyclone 1015K logic elements. 1x synchronous DRAM 64MB(32Mbit x 16). 1x asynchronous SRAM 256KB(128Kbit x 16). Developing for openFPGA Analogue is committed to helping Developers preserve video game history. OpenFPGA highlights a 3rd party developed PDP-1 core with the first video game ever created, Spacewar!

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