How Venus ended up with a mini-moon named Zoozve

# · 🔥 144 · 💬 69 · 8 months ago · · jyunwai · 📷
A quasi-satellite of Venus has just received an unusual name. The poster seemed to show that Venus had a moon, whose name was labeled as "Zoozve". "I think if it had been labeled on the poster as 2002VE, for whatever weird mystical reason, I don't think I would have fallen in love with it quite as hard as I did." But somehow the funny-sounding name Zoozve had really struck a chord with him. But Zoozve didn't grab him: "I was like, so would you name it Zoozve?," Nasser recalls. Having become so interested in the subject of quasi-moons, Radiolab is about to launch a competition to come up with a new name for one of the at least seven quasi-moons that orbit the Sun alongside Earth. They're still figuring out the rules, but Nasser says "We don't want it to be an outright voting contest - we don't want 'Moonie McMoonface'" - referring to a naming contest in the UK that resulted in a research ship being named Boaty McBoatface. Nasser delights in the thought that anyone can play a role in the naming process of the quasi-moon in their contest: "For kids, and for adults too, they could be part of that - 'I'm going to help name a thing that'll be in a textbook one day!' It makes you feel like you're part of the action."
How Venus ended up with a mini-moon named Zoozve

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